A New Republic Article

It’s been a long couple days, which isn’t to say they’ve been bad. Quite the opposite

As you likely know, Trump all-caps announced on Truth Social last Saturday afternoon that the Manhattan DA was going to arrest him on Tuesday. He asked his supporters to PROTEST and TAKE OUR NATION BACK. The NYPD put the force on high alert and erected barriers around Trump Tower, the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse,and some other courthouse-looking buildings in the vicinity, just in case.

I live 40 minutes by subway from said courthouse so of course I went down, and of course I hung out, and of course I wrote about it. This time, I wrote about it for The New Republic and you can read about it here if you would like to:

Outside a courthouse in New York City, it was difficult to tell who had come to protest the pending indictment of the former president and who had come to troll.

The Manhattan DA continues to play coy with everyone. Today the grand jury flat-out didn’t meet for some reason, thus keeping Trump in the headlines and keeping bored exhausted journalists trapped in a small park in lower Manhattan for the forseeable future. TRUMPWATCH continues. But not today.

Normally I’d write more, but I’m so tired I think I might die. Last week I basically stopped sleeping to research and write an article about gender-affirming care for minors—84 pages of annotated links, so much science reading for someone who did not go into science on purpose. Regardless, turns out gender-affirming care is good and important, and that the people who oppose it have some very…interesting…connections, and there will be a robust article coming out in the next couple months all about it.

Anyway, after I finished that up I got about half a day of rest in and then TRUMPWATCH 2023 started so I went ahead and did for Monday evening and most of Tuesday, and then stayed up most of Tuesday night writing that article I linked to above, and now it is Wednesday, and I’m home, and I have nothing on my schedule, and my bed calls out to me, it beckons, I yearn for it completely: I will have it. We will become as one.

I hope that you do something tonight that makes you as happy as sleep is about to make me. Goodnight.

One final thing: that Q&A I wrote a month or so ago was pretty popular and I got a bunch more questions after I published it. I’m thinking of making it a monthly thing. If you have a question for April, you can ask it anonymously on the anonymous question-asking app. Ask about whatever!


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