The New Republic: CPAC Vibe Check

Sad Times In MAGAland

Good morning. Is it still morning? Barely.

My first of two CPAC articles is out and you can read it here if you would like to:

I’d tell you if it was a lively and happening scene, I really would. But it isn’t. Attendence is in the toilet, I’ve never seen a CPAC so small. There’s incredible amounts of infighting—not between people present at CPAC, but between people here and people Elsewhere. It’s quiet infighting, somewhat passive aggressive, but things are tense and likely to get tenser

One thing not mentioned in this article: The anti-trans rhetoric is ramping up precipitously. Unbelievable that this is even possible at this point, but it’s possible. A lot of them are focusing on children, but not all of them are.

One person, Michael Knowles, asserted that marriage is between a man and a woman to robust applause. He said this after a very long speech on the evils of transness. If you are queer at all--AT ALL--the trans fight is your fight and we need to fight like hell

This is the last day. Trump will speak this evening. I’m very, very tired. Second New Republic article Monday


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